Wednesday, August 5, 2015

A story of Ibrahim ibn Adham R.A

When Hadrat Ibrahim ibn Ad’ham (may Allah have mercy on him) left his kingdom and went away, a committee was formed to plan how to get him to return. A minister went to him and saw that he was sitting and had a simple blanket on him. The minister said: “Sir, the kingdom is in disarray, you should return.” Hadrat replied: “That kingdom be blessed unto you. Allah Most High has granted me a very vast kingdom.” Thereafter he pulled out his sewing needle from the blanket and threw it into the river. He then said to the minister: “Retrieve my needle from the river.” The minister summoned many people to retrieve it but it could not be found by any of them. Hadrat then said: “Now witness my kingdom.” He then addressed the fish [in the river] and said: “O fish! Bring my needle!” Thousands of fish surfaced, some with gold needles and some with silver needles in their mouths. He then said to the fish: “Return my own steel needle.” One fish then appeared with the steel needle. He threw the needle in front of the minister and said: “Now you see my kingdom, and you are very proud of your kingdom!”

Taken from “Stories and Anecdotes Related by Mawlana Thanawi”, a compilation of stories and anecdotes related by Hakim al-Ummah Mawlana Ashraf ‘Ali Thanawi (may Allah have mercy on him)

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